Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Celebrating" the Halfway Point

Actually I'm not celebrating, at least not in any truly EXCITING way ;-)

Hubby and I had planned to attend the Braves game last night - Breast Cancer Awareness/Celebration of Survivorship - free ticket for me, cheap one for him, lower level seats, meet and greet on the patio, pre-game walk out/recognition on the field...
and a t-shirt to boot!

Alas, my counts are in the pits - again - and, after warnings about contamination from my adoring mother, and questions/comments from hubby such as:
"Who will walk Cooper?"
"You know that's Cooper's 'time'."
... I made the decision NOT to go :(

He's mastered the pitiful look

To top it off, precious daughter AND awesome son were there!!!

  • GCSU Kappa Delta "Braves Date Night" 
  • Last-minute ticket from a friend with connections (awesome son called hubby from the "Club" \m/ )

I had big plans to take a picture in my CRAP shirt at the stadium - so it will have to be a Stone Mountain hike after all ;)

I've been reflecting on what it means to be "halfway".
I tend to fluctuate between being an optimistic "glass half full" sort of person and a questioning, doubting, depressingly pessimistic "why me?" sort.

Some days I feel truly victorious, like I've really accomplished something.  Those days I'm full of boundless energy (yes, that's when you SEE me dear colleague ;) ), I busy around, accomplish tons, and hardly notice the "C".

Other days... not so much.  Some have asked about the "Hs" - they're back :@  Not with a vengeance like before, but bothersome nonetheless.  And I've got mouth sores - AGAIN!  Makes it hard to talk - hubby's certainly glad of THAT - and eat, thought I've somehow managed to keep my weight on ;)

WOW!!!  Look what I've accomplished :e 
Yet it's still hard to read some of my earlier posts.

Then someone will ask, "Are you done with your treatments?"  No, 4 to go, 8 more weeks.
So then I feel the weight of this fight.
Wednesday is my first round of Taxol.

No, I'm not complaining - not much anyway.
Just trying to get motivated for the push to the finish line :tup

And I have a new project once my treatment is over!!!
Beautiful sister-in-law shared it with me:

Hugs to all - Happy Sunday!

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