It's with an incredibly sad heart that I write this post.
I received an email today informing me of the passing of a dear pink sister.
SHE is the reason I started this blog.
SHE was an inspiration, an encourager, and a constant supporter and cheerleader to me.
SHE is missed more than she will ever know (I'm telling her now).
Though I didn't know her well - ours began as a professional, office-patient relationship - I grew to admire her more and more and more, and our bond, mostly via emails, meant so much to me.
We met in 2010, when I first consulted the dentist she worked for about some needed reconstruction due to the long term effects of celiac disease on my teeth. She was the ever-present office manager. On her desk sat one of those scrolling digital photo frames. I loved looking at the beautiful pictures of her Great Danes and horses, her passion and family. She was so helpful and understanding as hubby and I struggled to make a plan, and ultimately the decision to start the long and expensive process of major dental reconstruction. I looked forward to seeing her after each visit :)
In the spring of 2011, on one of my visits, the dentist (an amazing dental artist whose work is his passion) shared with me that she was not in that day, she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I asked for her contact information to send a card. My heart broke for her, and I could tell how much she meant to him.
I saw her later, I think it was last fall, back in the office, obviously in the midst of treatment because she looked much like I do now with a hat-covered head, sparse eyebrows and lashes, and palish complexion. I admired her tenacity, and told her so. She shared that work kept her sane, kept her going, kept her mind off her illness. Her smile that day was infectious. I told her she was in my prayers.
Fast forward to June of this year, my own diagnosis front and center. I found out chemo could cause dental problems and was urged to ensure my dental work was secure before beginning treatment. Of course I called her, and she fit me into this dentist's busy schedule.
She looked great, having finished her chemo earlier in the year and a partial radical mastectomy like me. She had been stage 3 with inflammatory breast cancer as opposed to my stage 2B invasive ductal breast cancer. Nonetheless, our chemo treatment regimens were identical, so she had much experiential advice to offer. I vividly recall her handing me a notecard with her personal email address before I left, asking me to PLEASE contact her with questions, especially how to manage life without nose hairs - I chuckled at the time, but, as a
prior post explained, it can be a real challenge (just ask my students ;) ).
We began corresponding, at least once a week, our communication frequently initiated by her "Thinking of you" subject line. She unfailingly ended each message with, "You are strong and beautiful."
I stopped in to see her in mid September, to thank her and hug her neck. Again, she looked wonderful, her post-chemo hair short and silky-curly :) We joked about side effects, and spoke of newfound perspectives and the beauty of each day. She obviously was not telling me something. Her cancer had returned. I didn't know it until this morning.
Our last correspondence was on October 1st. I had to check. She had been on my mind this past week, and I wanted to drop by and see her on Tuesday after my class. I didn't though, because I wasn't feeling great and didn't want to be a "Debbie downer" when she was always so positive...
Of course she wouldn't have been there.
Heaven gained a STRONG and BEAUTIFUL angel on October 21st.
I know she's left a huge hole in the lives of her family and friends.
I too miss her. So much.
These are for you, precious pink sister, because of what you did for me <\3
"A woman of beauty... knows in her quiet center where God dwells that He finds her beautiful and deems her worthy, and in Him, she is enough."
~John and Staci Eldredge
God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.
James 1:12