Saturday, October 26, 2013

I Get HIGH with a Little Help from My Friends!


On top of Stone Mountain
It has been more than 8 years since I've made the mile-long walk up the side of this quartz monzonite monadnock that featured prominently in my high school years - all 3 of us actually (high school buddies :) ).  In fact, the last time for me was precious daughter's 13th birthday, when we hiked it with 13 of her dear friends who then spent the night with us #joys of raising teenage girls.

It USED to be easy ;)
I'd forgotten all the uPS and Downs and uPand Downalong the looonnng hike to the top!
It's like this most of the way
Except for the REALLY steep quarter mile or so toward the top!

Yes, I had to stop and rest a couple of times - oddly felt my blood pumping through my port cannula (EWWW!) - and wondered, part way up, WHY I decided THIS was the weekend to make the trek!

Nonetheless, with a firm hand behind my back the last 50 or so steps (thank you dear friend), 
This one's for YOU, Venecia ;)
Hubby saw the pix when I texted him on our way home and replied, "Put your sweatshirt back on!"
When I asked why, he responded, "So I don't have to put up with you when you're at home sick!" (Seriously!!!)
Guess he's about as tired of this nasty fight as me ;)

Well, this coming Wednesday is my 

AND, while I'll still have to go through the "round" - steroid jitters, Neulasta shot, post-chemo yucks, blood count check...
I WILL NOT have another chemo on the horizon :e

The future brings my two surgeries in December.

THEN, I will count myself a SURVIVOR, a true PINK WARRIOR SISTER, among the "more than 2.8 million women" (2013, who've gone before me and paved the way.

I'm EVER so grateful for the constant prayers and continued well wishes from so many special people in my life.

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