Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My First Fundraising Effort... at least for BC!

I get emails from Susan G. Komen on a regular basis, along with those from, CURE, GMC's Cancer Center, and more.  Depending on my mood, time, and level of interest/fear of recurrence, I explore or ignore these communications.

The last time I considered participating in a Komen event it was the 3-day thing.  I created an account, logged in, and set about the registration process before realizing that I had to commit to raising $$$THOUSANDS!!! -- just to participate!!!  Needless to say, I was frustrated - because I don't like asking friends to support me monetarily (I DO, on the other hand, regularly request support for my precious daughter through JDRF ;) :tup  ) - and I was disappointed - because I believe every $ counts, and participation alone has it's benefits for survivors...

Nonetheless, I saw THIS event and realized it was more my style anyway: 
I just LOVE the girl in the middle picture with her pink tutu!!!  I'm going to have to design a costume -- crafty and creative friends, bring on the suggestions :)

I welcome ANY and ALL of you who'd like to join me in this endeavor <3 p="">

To play some "catch-up"

It's been exactly 482 (give or take one or two -- I'm counting on my iPhone to give me the correct answer!) days since my last dose of chemotherapy, and about 436 days since my last surgery :tup

I still go in to see my oncologist every 3 months, but will "graduate" to every 6 months after my October 2015 visit :e

So far, so good - and I DO expect this trend to continue!!!  I feel great (most days - until I work out too much and feel the pain that my precious daughter describes as "proof you're making a difference!").  

If you followed my end-of-treatment updates and remember I had some aggravating neuropathy, I'm happy to share that it's mostly gone and I'm no longer on medication for it!!!  I still take my daily dose of anti-cancer/hormone suppression anastrozole - that has some lovely side effects, but I'm not complaining since it's adding to the chance I'll stay clear :)

I'm dealing with some strange rashes that may be due to chemo and the changes in my body... but may just be that I'm getting OLD ;)  I'm even used to being boobless and have found an awesome VS sports bra with padding that I don't EVEN have to put my "chicken cutlets" in :r

Believe it or not, it's nearly time for me to be covered for NEW ones and NEW bras -- do I go bigger, smaller... :brow


That's about it for now about me!  I've been incredibly blessed to be able to share my own journey and survivorship with others at different stages in theirs.  I'd also like to request prayers from my angels for a dear sorority sister dealing with a different and challenging form of cancer :angel

If you are so inclined, make a small donation to my effort to support progress toward a CURE for Breast Cancer :h
