For those of you who wish to skip the recap, scroll down to the "chicken cutlet" picture ;)
It's been a looooooong 7+ months...
May 5th of this year, I found the lump.
On May 6th my gyn (angel #1 :angel ) felt it too and sent me for a dx mammo and ultrasound.
On May 8th both tests were negative for any abnormalities, and on May 9th I went to working thinking all was well with my world.
On May 10th my gyn called and suggested I consult a surgeon. "Why," I asked, "didn't you get the test results?"
"Humor me" he said. "You and I both felt something. I just want another set of hands, to be sure." And he gave me a number. My plan was to call in a couple of weeks, once the school year was over.
On May 14th the written test report arrived. "We are happy to inform you that your recent breast imaging study shows NO ABNORMALITIES TO SUGGEST BREAST CANCER," it read, literally, caps and all. So I went on about my business, satisfied again that all was well with my world.
On May 22nd my gyn's nurse called. She had contacted the surgeon's office and discovered I'd not yet made an appointment. "I know you're a busy teacher," she said, "but Dr. K. ( :angel #1) wants you to see the surgeon."
"But, but... the test results, the letter, it said I was fine! And I will see the surgeon, if I need to, once school is out."
She made the appointment for me.
On May 30th I saw the surgeon, :angel #2, who told us he needed to biopsy the mass to be sure. Said he would take a conical section to get enough tissue to check. Told us, "Don't worry right now, let's just see."
On June 4th I had a surgical biopsy. The only thing hubby remembers is Dr. M., :angel #2, saying he took part of the mass, and that it was "pretty gritty."
On June 6th, our 26th anniversary, we got the news. :angel #2 shared, "I'm sorry, but you've got Breast Cancer." Of no consequence were my 14 previous years of annual mammograms. He would need to take my entire breast - a lumpectomy was not possible - and wanted to schedule it ASAP due to the aggressive nature of my tumor (grade 3).
On June 7th I had an MRI to check my left breast. It was this day I told amazing son (precious daughter was still away working at camp).
On June 12th, at the urging of :angel #2, we met with a reconstructive surgeon so we'd know about future options.
On June 13th I got the "all clear" on my left breast per MRI.
On June 15th precious daughter came home - we had to break the news...
On June 18th I lost my right breast and 9 lymph nodes.
On June 20th I had my first post-op to check for healing.
On June 27th I had my second post-op and my surgical drains were removed. We also got the final pathology: breast tumor was a little over 3 cm, 2 lymph nodes turned up positive, along with some extra-nodal metastases, the largest of which was .8 cm.
On July 2nd we met with my oncologist, :angel #3, and we set a plan for aggressive chemo. He also drew blood for the BRCA test.
On July 5th I had an echocardiogram to ensure my heart was strong enough for one of the nastier chemo drugs.
On July 9th I had my port inserted by :angel #2
On July 17th I had my first chemo treatment (Adriamycin and Cytoxan), and on July 18th a post-chemo Neulasta injection.
On July 24 I had post-chemo bloodwork and got the news I'm BRCA positive.
On July 31st I had round 2 of chemo and precious daughter had blood drawn for the BRCA test, then on August 1st a Neulasta injection.
On August 7th I had post-chemo bloodwork.
On August 14th I had chemo #3, AND got the great news precious daughter is BRCA negative!! Back on August 15th for a Neulasta injection.
On August 21st I had post-chemo bloodwork. Dear brother came along to have blood drawn for BRCA testing.
On August 26th, following some serious side effects, I had to have a hemerrhoidectomy - :angel#2 again. This threw off my chemo regimen by a week.
On September 4th I was back in the hot seat for chemo #4. We also got great news that dear brother is BRCA negative too! Later in the afternoon we met with :angel #1 about removal of my ovaries due to my BRCA status. Then on September 5th it was back to the chemo suite for a Neulasta injection.
On September 11th I had post-chemo bloodwork.
On September 18th I had chemo #5 (new regimen - Taxol), and on September 19th another Neulasta shot. At some point during this week I met again with :angel #2 about a left side mastectomy due to BRCA.
On September 25th we got the awesome news that amazing son is also BRCA negative!!! And I had post-chemo bloodwork.
On October 2nd I had chemo #6, followed by a Neulasta shot on October 3rd.
On October 9th it was post-chemo bloodwork, again.
On October 16th, chemo #7, with Neulasta on October 17th.
On October 23rd, post-chemo labs.
AND, October 30th was #8, my LAST chemo :tup
Of course October 31st was the last Neulasta shot (Did I ever mention these bad boys cost $10,516 EACH???), and I was back on November 6th for labs.
On November 18th we met with :angel #2 to schedule my 2nd mastectomy.
On December 5th I pre-op'd for both surgeries (ovary removal & mastectomy) - the frequent flyer benefit :)
On December 6th it was surgery #1 (really #5, but who's counting?).
Then, a week later, on December 13th I had surgery #2.
On December 16th I went in BALD and BOOBLESS for a post-op for surgery #2 (really #6 b/c I AM counting ;) ) This is when :angel #2 expressed awe at my ability to heal so well :) AND informed me of my clean path report - NO signs of cancer in left breast or sentinel nodes :e
December 19th I had my post-op for surgery #2 (really #5). Dr. K. ( :angel #1) gave me the A-okay, clean path report (he'd called me
December 12th to let me know) :tup (just no heavy lifting for 3 more weeks - really he said no housework for a year, but then
winked at hubby). Then, I went to :angel #2 to have my post-surgical drains removed, and nearly cried holding his hand as he informed me I was "Done" - I DID cry in the car, happy tears of course!
Think I should burn my 2013 calendar - OR save it as a souvenir?
Chicken cutlet? Really??? |
TODAY, precious daughter chauffeured me to the pink boutique to get my second "sister" (aka chicken cutlet). When she attached this moniker to my prosthesis (this is how she explained what it looks like to a friend) I nearly tore stitches laughing so hard - lol :D
So... other than the resting and healing, I'm officially DONE!!! Oh, and I have REAL eyebrows and eyelashes growing in thicker each day :party
I've reached the stage of SURVIVOR and it doesn't quite feel real.
I will see my PCP on January 10th, and :angel #3 again on January 21st (and every 3 months for the next year), BUT, I'm still done!
Done done DONE done doNe DonE
And to EACH of you, my virtual :angel s, who've provided me support and encouragement throughout this Midlife Meander.
I'll keep you updated as I move into the new year (hair growth - lol, check ups, and such) but will not post as regularly, since I'm hoping for a straighter, more predictable path in 2014 :)
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
~Psalm 73:26~
Meander pic from: