It's time to get organized!
If you're an educator you know what I mean!
This is the time of the year for me when I've been collecting materials, making stacks, setting up notebooks, creating presentations, loading things for online access, making MORE stacks, collecting MORE materials,... You get the drift ;)
So my office at school is nice and neat - of course I've not used it much yet! But my office at home is a DISASTER!!!
So, in an effort to streamline my life before ROUND #3 tomorrow, AND get myself together before I start teaching next week, I'm literally clearing my EMAIL inbox of some things I'd intended to share earlier :tup
Here are links (in bold) to several items I thought might interest some of you.
If not - ignore :P
- Research finds Cancers Share Gene Patterns
- Scary Stuff!!! Advanced Breast Cancer Rates UP in Younger Women
- Something you can do to PREVENT it! (guess I didn't do enough ;)) Aerobic Exercise Reduces Estrogen and Lowers Risk of BC
- Seriously considering going vegetarian after my treatment - Diet Changes that Might Cut BC Risk
- Another reason: The "Three Strikes" Carcinogen
- Why women are better \m/ Boob Trivia
- AND last but not least...
- Why you all are so important to me :angel - Friends Could Help Ease Pain, Boost Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients
After tomorrow I can cross another thing off my "To-Do" list:
Inbox image from:
Love....sending you well wishes!