Sunday, August 4, 2013

Preparing to go INCOGNITO!!!

Well, I'm 4 days out from round #2 and back to feeling somewhat "normal" :)

Tomorrow is a BIG day for me - new faculty orientation - a day-long event where I'd rather not look like a cancer patient ;)


Heading to Macy's (coupons in tow) today to pick up something "cute" to make be feel nice and professional tomorrow :tup


Bertha be warned, "You'd better hold your own for the day!!!  No itching, no shifting around on my head, and absolutely NO headaches!!!"  "I'd hate to have to bring out the Dammit Doll on you ;-)"


She looks great on the form!
And okay here - headband to reduce volume!

So I'll have to do some styling in the morning to be sure she behaves!

Questions I still have about my wig:
  • how is it going to look after I actually wash it? (it's synthetic, so it shouldn't need styling...)
  • what if I forget to take it off before I open the dishwasher or oven? (singed fringes!!!)
  • what happens if it RAINS???
Guess I need to do some research... :mj


On any regular day, I have to worry about eating out with celiac disease and a soy allergy - BUT, after nearly 7 years, I'm fairly savvy at negotiating dining situations.  BUT, now I have to add:
  • nothing raw (including fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. - what if there's a salad???)
  • no meats not fully cooked (how am I supposed to know this?)
  • recommended NOT to eat out (really??? - oh well, I'll have to say some prayers and keep my fingers crossed!)
The meal in question is one being served at the college president's house, not really "out" but still questionable!  Needless to say, I'll have some pre-packed snackies along for the ride :tup


"Chemo brain" = the mental cloudiness people sometimes notice before, during, and after cancer treatment.  This mild cognitive impairment may include:
  • Forgetting things that they usually have no trouble recalling (memory lapses)
  • Trouble concentrating (they can’t focus on what they’re doing, have a short attention span, may “space out”)
  • Trouble remembering details like names, dates, and sometimes larger events
  • Trouble multi-tasking, like answering the phone while cooking, without losing track of one task (they are less able to do more than one thing at a time)
  • Taking longer to finish things (disorganized, slower thinking and processing)
  • Trouble remembering common words (unable to find the right words to finish a sentence)
THIS is the REALLY scary part!!!  I have a hard enough time anyway (ADHD) - adding this might just put me over the edge o_O

I've got my calendar, notes, iPad, etc. set up and ready to go - I'll just have to keep pinching myself to stay focused ;)

Nonetheless, wearing Bertha and some new duds, THIS is the badge I'll be donning tomorrow:

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