Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Some BIG News!!!

Went in today for round #3:
Yes!!!  I'm a bit tired o_O

BUT, excited that I'll only have one more :v after today...
Then 4 more treatments with Taxol - takes longer but is supposed to be a little easier :tup

The BIG, BIG, BIG news today, however, is THIS
Precious Daughter does
carry the BRCA2 genetic mutation :e

I'm not sure I can convey the relief and pure joy that washed over me and hubby - yes, that's the correct English ;) - when my oncologist gave us the results this morning!!!  

Here's what I was TERRIFIED of:
Chart indicates risk with a BRCA1 or 2 mutation

Though she'll still face an elevated risk due to family history, it's much lower than with the gene.
THIS alone will make round #3 totally doable :tup

I shared the message below with her recently, as she headed off for her senior year (can you EVEN believe it???) at GCSU:

"YOU are MY inspiration in this fight against breast cancer <3" 

For those of you who know this special young lady, you completely understand what I mean - especially my type 1 parent friends ;)  For those of you who don't, here's a video (several years old) that might enlighten you: 
Click this LINK - you'll have to scroll down below the post to view the video (there's music, so turn it up!) :tup 

Now I just need to get Awesome Son and Dear Brother in to be tested :)
My onco team said they could come in any time, did NOT need to be patients, and they'd draw the blood and send it off!  Did I tell you all how AMAZING this team is???

Met and conversed with two more precious nurses this morning (one might not appreciate being called "precious" - but I'm not going to tell ;) ).  Talked about a trip to Alaska with one (she had to sit with me for 20 minutes delivering the :v "push") - this is mine and hubby's plan for our 30th anniversary - and it's where I was born :party

and revealed the lyrics to a catchy-but-racy Bruno Mars song to my main attending nurse who was dancing around while it played - the version below has BOTH English and Spanish lyrics :e
It's hard not to LIKE the song... but probably NOT appropriate to sing the lyrics loudly, 
in a chemo suite ;)
She didn't really KNOW the lyrics...  But she does NOW :tup (teaching moment for the day!)
Hopefully I'll endure whatever side effects come to pass this round with relative ease (relative being the operative word), and be able to adequately prepare for my first class next Tuesday morning :mj

Thanks again to all you praying :angel s out there - you mean SO much to me <3


  1. Wonderful news Lynn!! Praise God!!

  2. Praise God from Whom ALL Blessings Flow! This is wonderful news for all of you! Keep up the good fight!

  3. Praising God with you! So thankful for answered prayers.
