1. I was BCS (breast cancer stupid) a few short weeks ago. I've known women who've fought the battle, but didn't realize how just varied this cancer can be!
- There are several types of BC, based on the location of the original tumor and how it spreads:
- In Situ breast cancer is still contained within the ducts or lobules.
- Invasive or infiltrating breast cancer has grown through the walls of the ducts or lobules and spread to surrounding tissue, possibly into the lymph nodes, and/or other parts of the body.
- Not only are there stages of BC that are based on how far the cancer has spread (0, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4), there are different grades of tumors (1, 2, 3) based on the aggressiveness and speed of growth (mine is invasive ductal, stage 2b, grade 3).
- BC treatment depends on the stage and grade PLUS the breast cancer's physical structure relative to the hormones estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR), and HER2 status (a genetic growth factor). So a BC can be ER+ or ER-, PR+ or PR-, and HER2+ or HER2- (mine is ER-/PR+, HER2-).
- Alcohol and sugar can feed certain types of BC (yikes!): Check it out HERE
- Many women with BC are deficient in vitamin D3 (including me!): See what you can do HERE
- In case you're interested in learning more, here are some great sites:
2. Prayers matter, and I believe they are the reason SO many things have fallen into place, turned out right, or been relatively easy so far.
- There are several types of BC, based on the location of the original tumor and how it spreads:
- In Situ breast cancer is still contained within the ducts or lobules.
- Invasive or infiltrating breast cancer has grown through the walls of the ducts or lobules and spread to surrounding tissue, possibly into the lymph nodes, and/or other parts of the body.
- Not only are there stages of BC that are based on how far the cancer has spread (0, 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 3c, 4), there are different grades of tumors (1, 2, 3) based on the aggressiveness and speed of growth (mine is invasive ductal, stage 2b, grade 3).
- BC treatment depends on the stage and grade PLUS the breast cancer's physical structure relative to the hormones estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR), and HER2 status (a genetic growth factor). So a BC can be ER+ or ER-, PR+ or PR-, and HER2+ or HER2- (mine is ER-/PR+, HER2-).
- Alcohol and sugar can feed certain types of BC (yikes!): Check it out HERE
- Many women with BC are deficient in vitamin D3 (including me!): See what you can do HERE
- In case you're interested in learning more, here are some great sites:
- My ob-gyn is one of many special angels for insisting I see a surgeon for a second opinion, even though my mammo and ultrasound were clear in May. Love him! He even called to check on me post-surgery and offered support :)
- My surgeon is an artist! He was able to excise my lymph nodes (9 of them) through my single mastectomy incision rather than making another one under my arm, AND he placed my port so it might be hidden by my bra!
- My new PCP and her staff have made me feel cared for and are handling so many of the details for me.
- Our insurance is better than we thought!!!
- Regardless of my small, often rolling veins, ALL of the sticks I've endured for blood work and IVs have worked the first time with relatively little pain!
- My right arm range of motion is nearly normal only 3.5 weeks after surgery - Go Me!!!
3. I'm stronger than I thought!
I remember sharing after my Daddy passed that if anyone had told me two years prior that not only would we watch my young, otherwise healthy father battle pancreatic cancer, but that our precious six-year-old daughter would be diagnosed with type 1 (juvenile) diabetes, I'd have fallen into the pits of depression and been totally unable to function.
But, God truly does give us only what we can handle - even with this. I know I'm not alone in my fight!
4. My dog is an adorable but extremely neurotic companion!!!
This is Cooper, who really wasn't supposed to be MY dog! (it's a long story)
He senses something is wrong and, while he's always followed me around the house, he's literally my shadow these days! After my surgery he was SO confused because we had to use pillows to keep him from laying across me!
He's also recently taken to doing his business in the dining room (bad dog!) because I've not always been able to go WITH him outside lately - sigh. And, according to hubby, while I was away for a short, enjoyable weekend before my first treatment this week, mini Cooper didn't eat and refused to take a walk while I was gone!
Crazy little guy, but he IS awfully cute :):):)
(notice his special HEART spot)
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You are a rock star, my friend! Know I'm praying for you here.