Had a pre-port consult with my surgeon yesterday and, voila, today I get my port! I didn't think it would be so soon but, oddly enough, since I've been a regular there lately, I qualify for a fast-track, same-day pre-op!!! Lucky me ;-)
Really, though, I'd rather get this thing over with and have some time to heal before it has to be accessed next Wednesday for my first chemo treatment.
Now, if you're curious just what I'm talking about, you can do what I did and Google it or view a YouTube video about the procedure.
I nearly got sick after watching it! My Daddy had a port, but I wasn't there for the placement and certainly didn't understand the whole thing :(
An online support group friend gave me a virtual slap on the hand and told me, "NEVER watch medical procedure videos!!!" I mean, what was I thinking!? I couldn't even keep my eyes open during the scene in The Heat when Sandra Bullock attempted a tracheotomy with a restaurant knife and a straw! Yes, I'm a wimp :)
Picture from: http://www.curesearch.org/uploadedImages/MedicalInformation/Mediport.jpg
Continued Prayers for you Lynn.