Monday, July 8, 2013

Meet Bertha!

First, I want to thank all of you who took the time to read my intro post and respond SO much for your kind words of support.  While this is a private struggle, your prayers definitely sustain me!

So, I wasn't going to get a wig.  For those of you who know me, I've worn my hair super short for the last couple of years anyway, so I thought, "What the heck, I'll just rock it BALD!!!"  Or I'll wear cute caps and finally have a use for my closet full of scarves :)  But, my mom, along with several ladies I've befriended on an online support group, convinced me I might regret not having one - AND - it would be better to get one BEFORE I lose my hair, when I can better match my current style.  Okay, okay.

Did you know there's a wig shop IN the Mall of Georgia???  My care packet from the cancer center listed this shop as one that catered to chemo patients and would print forms for insurance, but I didn't believe it until I saw it with my own eyes - really, it's upstairs on the left, past the rug store, when you leave Nordstrom (Hair-n-Heads).  Strange how we miss things that don't mesh with our current lives.  The staff was very helpful :)

My mom met me at the mall and we walked in the shop.  I immediately felt out of place, and teared up.  But Mama was such a great help, trying to make it fun (it was NOT), and complimenting me on my final choice.  I didn't really cheer up until, as we continued our shopping with my new wig-in-a-bag in tow, I shared with her that someone I read about who went through this and had young children actually named her wigs (she had several).  Mama suggested I call mine "Bertha" :)  You'd have to be family to get why this is so funny - I'll spare you the details since it's NOT really that funny out of context.

My daughter's upset that we went without her (she's taking a July class at GCSU), but I took some pix of me and Bertha to show her:

She's determined to come home for my "shaving party" though, something I've decided to do BEFORE the chemo does it for me!!!  I have to have control over something, right?  Perhaps I'll video the event ;)


  1. Way, way cute. It looks very much like your own style.


  2. Thanks :) My mom likes it so much she might go buy one for herself!

  3. Absolutely love Bertha! She makes you look mahvelous, darling!

  4. You are definitely rocking Bertha!
