C'mom, how much longer?
Well, it's Friday, July 12th (or close enough!). Time for a test (yes, that's the teacher in me
Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the best answer to complete the sentence below.
I have five (5) more days before ______________________________________.
A. some horribly toxic drugs will flow through my veins, bringing unknown nasty side effects.
B. the miracles of medical science will be put to work, sending an army of cancer-killing warriors on the hunt for rogue bad guys in my body.
Correct Answer: B
A special friend and fellow PINK SISTER (she's really more of a guide and role model) told me she actually looks forward to her chemo sessions because she knows they're making her cancer-free! She suggested I visualize the
Think I'll try it
Picture from: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2010/08/23/waiting-is-the-hardest-part/
Thinking of and praying for you! Your DKG Sister, Linda Byrd