Saturday, March 29, 2014

Oh Good Gosh!!!

Well, I haven't posted in quite some time, both because I've been SUPER BUSY - in a mostly good way - and because there's not been much to share (except my Foto Friday pix [mostly Friday anyway] - shared again below).

But now...

I'm SO frustrated because, after having grown back nice and thick, I'm losing my eyelashes and eyebrows AGAIN!!!

I noticed a few of them shedding a couple of weeks ago, but didn't think much of it.  In fact, I actually thought it was my make-up brush shedding - since I need new ones ;)  But it seems... NOT so much!


I combed the Internet searching for an explanation.  I mean - REALLY???  I've already gone through this ONCE, and that's certainly ENOUGH!!!  Some folks said, "This is not chemo-related," others said, "It may be stress-related" (you think???), and others posited, "Perhaps med-related?"

Come to find out, our hair sheds anyway - knew that - and so do our lashes and brows.  So, since they ALL came back at the same time, they're ALL on the same dang shedding cycle!  Utter CRAZINESS!!!

AND, I tossed my special, handy-dandy eyebrow pencil to boot, thinking, "Ha - I'll never need THAT again!"  So I've ordered another.  And now I have yet another good reason to continue my pack-rat habits I was SO trying to break :tup
So THERE, dear hubby!

Otherwise, I'm feeling really well most days - though sometimes the odd "tiredness" so many warned me about hits like a semi-truck and I can't seem to put one foot in front of the other.  Thankfully this isn't often!  My energy seemed to peak about a month ago after my iron infusion, and now seems to be waning again - so I'll check with my oncologist when I see him again in a few weeks for my 6-month post-chemo appointment!

Maybe it's because I'm just getting fat, not exercising the way I KNOW I should!!!  My poor Fit Bit just sits on my vanity, wondering when I'm going to get my act together :||
And poor mini Cooper isn't so "mini" these days given I'm not walking HIM either! (and "Daddy" only takes him around the corner - lol)

But - my feet aren't so bad now that I'm taking meds for the neuropathy (that is when I REMEMBER to take them on time!!!)  I'm actually considering trying some ADHD meds -- seriously.  I've always just coped with it but, since my 2013 Midlife Meander, I don't seem to have the focus I used to - which isn't saying much!  We'll see.  I've already had to clear more cabinet space for what I'm taking now - lol.

So HERE'S the Photo Set - a little over 3-month's worth of progress:
December 25th
January 3rd
January 10th
January 24th
January 31st
February 7th
February 11th
February 21st
March 1st
March 2nd - 8th
March 14th
March 22nd
March 28th

And just ONE MORE thing --- I'm so VERY ExCiTeD and  SUPER PROUD of my precious daughter who will graduate in early May from GCSU with a BS in Community Health!!!  
She has a summer internship with JDRF, where we hope she will be able to make some connections and find gainful employment - since SHE's not sure how long she can stand to be back at home ;)

I have to end with this - something I was re-reading the other evening as I reflected on the fact that this is an ongoing journey.  I will have doubts and experience fear, then will forget about it for long periods of time (I have already and it seems odd).  But then something will cause the un-realness of it all to come flooding back.  But I DO move on!  I credit my faith, and the unbelievable support and encouragement I've received - and continue to receive - from so many.

A reassuring whisper to the battered soul, 
a calming song to the shaken spirit...
this is the way love works.
~Melvina Young~